My family eats A LOT of fresh vegetables. I am very thankful for that as I know some parents really struggle to get their kids to eat their veggies. Because we go through so many veggies I was throwing peels away left and right. After a while I finally started making a compost pile in our backyard. Then all of the sudden it hit me, I could be making my… Continue Reading
6 Ways to Save on the Trim Healthy Mama Way of Eating
One of the biggest objections I hear from people who are trying to make healthy changes to their diets is that the cost of healthy foods is so much higher than the (processed junk) food they’ve been eating. While that statement is somewhat accurate, there are many ways to save on healthy food. I know everyone’s grocery budgets, family sizes and preferences differ, but by implementing some simple strategies everyone,… Continue Reading
Prep Once, Eat All Week
The tip I’m sharing today may just be common sense, but it literally took me years to start doing it. I would haul out all the vegetables and fruit at lunch and dinner and cut and peel them every single day. I would buy the family pack of ground beef or chicken breasts, use what I needed for that day and freeze the rest. I kept repeating the same things… Continue Reading
Kitchen Tip: Don’t throw away those peels!
Citrus season is coming! I for one am very excited because I LOVE grapefruit and oranges. The winter is typically the time you can find citrus produce at it’s cheapest and tastiest. About nine months ago I came across an article that told how to make a household disinfectant cleaner using citrus peels (any variety you choose) and white vinegar. Super cheap and super easy! I gave it a… Continue Reading